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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas
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October Is Not the Time to Ignore AC Malfunctions!

air-conditioning-with-flowersWe all have in our heads an ideal version of what “October” looks like. It’s filled with autumn colors and crisp leaves and pumpkins and a slight chill to the dry air. People have this idealized October in their minds wherever they live, even if the world outside their windows never looks like it. And here in Texas, we don’t necessarily get a cool, crisp October. In fact, plenty of October days can feel close to summer days, with regular temperatures in the 80s.

This is one of the reasons that now isn’t the time to let any air conditioning repair in Houston, TX slip away. Your AC has just done a hard summer of work as it fought against extreme temperatures to keep the inside of your house comfortable. All that stress can lead to malfunctions, and if you ignore them because it’s fall and you’re hoping you won’t need the AC as much—you’re headed for trouble.

There’s No Time When You Can Ignore AC Problems

If you notice something is wrong with your air conditioner, call us to repair it. Doesn’t matter when it happens or when you notice it; repairs must be done promptly for several reasons:

  • It prevents larger repairs: Air conditioners are complex refrigeration devices. A single repair puts strain on other parts of the AC, causing the repair to get larger or create a chain reaction of other repairs. Delaying having repairs done can mean a much costlier repair bill when you finally get around to it.
  • It ages the system: The extra strain a malfunction puts on an air conditioner will make it wear down faster and reduce its overall lifespan. The same way that running a car that needs an oil change will end up ruining the motor, running an AC with a malfunction can end up sending the system early to the recycling yard.
  • It raises electrical bills: An air conditioner that needs to be repaired will drain extra power in order to do its regular job. Each time you try to run your air conditioner when you know it needs professional repairs, you’ll waste power on it.
  • It puts the system at a higher risk of a breakdown: Since the heat isn’t done with us this year—it can come back in December as well!—you want to make sure that your air conditioner will work when you need it to. If it has a neglected repair, there is a much bigger chance that it will break down on you during a hot day, leaving you scrambling to get it fixed or even replaced.

Air conditioning repairs don’t have to be a hassle for you. As soon as you notice something wrong with your central cooling, such as odd noises or hot spots around the house, you only have to call us and we’ll be on the job. Our NATE-certified technicians will quickly diagnose the problem and then see that it’s fixed so you can go back to enjoying comfort.

At AC Comfort, Your Comfort Is Our Business. Call us when you need air conditioning system repair in Katy, TX and the surrounding area.

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