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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas
Family Owned and Operated

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Take Care of Spring AC Maintenance Soon!

filling-in-calendarWe’re a full-service HVAC company, and that means we work with all heating and air conditioning systems. But because this is Texas, we handle more AC services. Air conditioners are used almost around the year here. Summer is still the height of the season, but ACs accumulate extra wear that they don’t in many other parts of the country. This makes it extra important to remember to schedule spring air conditioning maintenance in Katy, TX each year.

And … it’s spring again! It’s time to call our technicians to have your AC tuned-up and inspected to get it ready for the summer heat.

Reasons Spring Maintenance Is So Important

Air conditioning maintenance is vital for any part of the country where ACs get some use during the year. It applies more so to us, so please consider that when you look over the following reasons you need to have spring maintenance each year without fail:

  • Prevent surprise breakdowns: In a climate that gets as hot as ours does during the summer, this is the top reason to have a professional AC tune-up. The best time to have any device maintained is before it will see the most use, so prepping a home air conditioner in spring is the ideal time to help the system make it through the summer without an emergency breakdown. Not only will you spare yourself an uncomfortable home and an emergency repair call, you’ll also enjoy better peace of mind about the AC’s operation.
  • Stop the majority of repairs: Not all malfunctions will bring an air conditioner to a full halt, but plenty can impair performance and cut into efficiency. Regular maintenance is proven to prevent 85% of potential AC repairs. That adds up to immense savings and fewer comfort troubles.
  • Extend equipment life: This is a long-term benefit, but one of the most important. An air conditioner that is well-maintained will last on average from 10 to 15 years. Without maintenance, the lifespan can drop to half that. There is no “repair” more expensive than to have to replace an air conditioner years before it’s time.
  • Keep efficiency high: The immense wear air conditioners go through in Katy means they’ll start to deteriorate early and drain more power to run—and that’s reflected in rising utility bills. But maintenance holds back the effects of aging, and an air conditioner can retain 95% of its efficiency through most of its service life.
  • Maintain the warranty: You know how important the warranty for any expensive device is. It protects you from having to pay to repair or replace the device due to a manufacturer’s fault. The manufacturer’s warranty on air conditioners is usually about 10 years. But it can be voided if a system doesn’t have professional maintenance. This is a consumer protection you don’t want to lose!

We have set up a special Safety and Efficiency Cool Club to make maintenance for your AC much simpler. When you join, you’ll not only receive a great spring tune-up for your air conditioner, but a number of other perks as well, such as discounts and priority service. Reach out to us to find out more details.

At AC Comfort, “Your comfort is our business!” Call us today to sign up for our Safety and Efficiency Cool Club.

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