AC Comfort Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Warning Signs You Need Heater Repair

Monday, February 11th, 2019

furnace-with-pipesThe weather is Texas can be … weird. That’s why an HVAC company like ours can find itself busy around the year helping people with their air conditioning systems—but still need to be ready in a pinch to help out when heating systems start to suffer from problems. It’s our job to be ready for whatever the shifts in the weather can throw at our customers.

Right now, we’re on the watch for wherever we need to deliver heating repair in Katy, TX. And we want to help you be on the watch as well. The sooner you realize something is wrong, the sooner we can fix it, and the less expensive it is likely to be. Here are some common warning signs that you might need your heater repaired (aside from the obvious, like when the heater doesn’t provide any heat!).

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Can I Do Any Repairs to My Furnace Myself?

Monday, January 28th, 2019


But we need to offer more explanation than a single word—although if we’ve already convinced you with that one word, we’ve done our job. Call our experts and they’ll be out to have your furnace fixed, fast.

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Is Your Heater Not Working the Way It Should?

Monday, December 31st, 2018

cold-man-with-thermostatWe’re in for a run of colder days here at the start of the year. We’re much better off than many places up North, but this is the time when we’ll need to have our heating systems running to keep our homes warm.

You may discover during this time of year that your furnace or heat pump is not doing its job as well as you expect. Rooms are cold, and no matter how you adjust the thermostat, the house just won’t warm up how you want it. What’s going on?

That’s what we’re here to help you find out. When you need professional heating repair in Katy, TX, you can rely on us—your comfort is our business.

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Tips for Low Cost Heating in Mild Winters

Monday, December 17th, 2018

natural-gas-furnaceWe get extensive use from our home air conditioning systems almost around the year in Katy, and it’s important to ensure an AC is in the best possible condition considering all the work it has to do.

Heating systems like electric furnaces don’t get anywhere near that amount of work. But most homes have a heater of some type, and when the cool days of winter come around, they’ll need to be able to turn on and run reliably.

But reliably doesn’t necessarily mean a heater won’t start running up tremendous bills. This is a tricky part about heating in Katy, TX—managing to stay warm when necessary, but without having to pay too much to do it. Below are a few ways to save with your heating during winter.

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Don’t Forget to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

service-blue-markerOur air conditioning systems here in Texas do work all around the year. A warm day is never far off, even in January and February. Because of this, locals often don’t think much about the heating systems in their homes or the important work they do, and they end up forgetting to schedule their annual heating maintenance. This can lead to trouble!

Now that we’re well into the fall, we urge you to arrange for maintenance for your residential heating system with our team. The sooner you call, the easier it is to make a convenient appointment.

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