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How to Know If It’s Time to Replace That Heat Pump or Not


Heat pumps are great for our weather. We can rely on them to cool us down through our long hot season, and when we need heat for our brief winters, heat pumps also come through—and they cost less to run than a furnace. All around, heat pumps are one of the best home comfort systems available.

All that work comes at price, of course, which is that a heat pump will eventually wear down to the point where it needs to be replaced. With regular maintenance (done twice a year), you can expect to get a long service life from your heat pump. But at what point will you know it’s time to contact us to schedule a heat pump replacement in Cypress, TX? We’ll help with some important information about how to tell you’ve got a heat pump that’s on its way out.

System Age

This is a good starting point: how old is your heat pump? You can find the manufacture date on the unit itself if you aren’t certain. Heat pumps last, on average, for 10–15 years. (Again, this is with maintenance. Without maintenance, the numbers will fall.) Although it’s possible for a heat pump to last more than 15 years, it becomes more likely to fail abruptly and to waste energy. We suggest replacing a unit once it’s past 15—especially if you’ve noticed other signs below.

Cost to Operate

Once you’ve had your heat pump for several years, you’ll know what to expect from month to month when running it. You’ll likely see higher costs during the summer because of our climate, and lower winter costs. If you notice that your heat pump has started to cost much more to operate, and you can’t explain it, it may need to be replaced if it’s more than 10 years old. Repairs may be able to fix a younger heat pump.

Increase in Repairs

Maintenance will keep a heat pump in good shape so that it shouldn’t need any repairs during the first half of its service life, and maybe even until late in its service life. If you’ve needed to have your heat pump repaired each year of the past few years, that’s too much. It’s a warning that the unit is wearing down. Also pay attention to the cost of the repairs. We don’t recommend paying for any repair with a price tag that’s greater than half the cost of getting a new heat pump. 

Uneven Heating and Cooling

If you start noticing hot and cold spots in your house when the heat pump is running that you have never encountered before, it likely means the heat pump is losing its heating/cooling capacity. There might be a simple explanation, such as faulty thermostat or a clogged air filter. But if the heat pump is already over 10 years old, this uneven heating and cooling often means the unit is going into its final age decline. The best step is to call our technicians to inspect the heat pump and give you a diagnosis and recommendation.

Contact us today for assistance with replacing your heat pumps. At AC Comfort, Your Comfort Is Our Business!

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