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Tips for Efficient Heater Operation

If you’re like a lot of other homeowners, you’re looking for ways to cut costs on heating your home this winter season. The good news is that there are a variety of ways that you can stay warm while also saving money on your monthly energy bills. Plus, you also have the added bonus of lightening the load on your heater and potentially extending its lifespan so that it can last your family longer.

Just give our team a call to schedule your appointment for heater maintenance in Katy, TX. We can tweak your heating system to make sure that it is in the best working condition and then offer tips for homeowner maintenance and usage. You can keep reading to learn more about our best tips for how to use your heater efficiently this winter season. 

Dust and Vacuum

You may be wondering why this is on a list related to how your heater operates. Dust and dirt can have major negative effects on your heater, especially if the dust buildup becomes significant. Aside from changing out your air filter on time each month, you can also help eliminate dust and dirt from being a problem to begin with. 

Dusting surfaces around your home and vacuuming more often than you usually would can help protect your heater from these harmful particles. Not only can dust and dirt make heater operation less efficient, but the particles can also cause fire hazards inside the system if they build up to create a layer on the surfaces. 

Check Thermostat Settings

It’s also a good idea to review your thermostat settings. If you have the temperature set too high, it may be unrealistic that your heater could meet those heating expectations. Your home may never be as warm as what you want. Plus, you’re adding strain to your heater and potentially increasing your monthly energy bills by a lot. 

Experts say that you should say your thermostat no higher than 68° for heating in the winter. We realize that you may want your home to be a little warmer than that. Setting the thermostat a degree or two higher is not a big deal. But setting your thermostat much higher is unrealistic, especially when temperatures outside are close to freezing.

Complete, Consistent Maintenance

As a homeowner, there are maintenance steps that you need to take each month to care for your heater. For example, we already mentioned that you want to change your air filter on time each month. You also want to check the exhaust vent leading outside to make sure there are no blockages. If exhaust air is trapped inside your home, it can worsen your indoor air quality and cause the heater to overheat. 

Professional Care

But you also want to prioritize professional maintenance. There’s only so much that you can do as a homeowner to care for your heater. When you prioritize professional maintenance each year for your heater, you increase the likelihood that your heater will have a longer and more efficient lifespan.

Aside from regular annual maintenance, you also need to call our team any time you think you have heater repair needs to be addressed. If your heater begins making unusual sounds or operating differently, give our team a call for service. We can often address repairs before they lead to your heater breaking down completely.

At AC Comfort your comfort is our business! Serving Katy, TX, and the surrounding areas. Schedule an appointment today for heating service.

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