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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas

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Serving Katy, TX and the Surrounding Areas
Family Owned and Operated

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Too Early to Schedule HVAC Maintenance? Not at All!

service-blue-markerIt’s early February, and the ol’ groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter. However, the groundhog has been right approximately 30% of the time, which is less than chance, and we live in Texas where we generally don’t need to worry about long winters.

And that’s a lengthy way of saying that we’re already heading toward warmer weather here and it’s time to think about scheduling routine HVAC maintenance so your AC is ready to go into spring. But you shouldn’t just abandon your heater. Take advantage of this slower time to have any lingering heater repair in Katy, TX taken care of. In fact, why not arrange for both at one time? Call us up about your heating problems and ask to get on the schedule for HVAC maintenance through our Safety and Efficiency Cool Club.

Wait, what is this “Cool Club”?

It’s our maintenance plan, and if you aren’t a member yet, we strongly recommend joining. It’s the best way to receive the maintenance you need for your HVAC system around the year. When you sign up, you’ll receive regular tune-ups for your heating and air conditioning system in spring and fall. To make sure you don’t miss out on any of these appointments, we’ll call you with reminders when your HVAC system is due for maintenance.

The Benefits of Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is one of the best things you can do for your heating and air conditioning system. In fact, it’s one of the most important services we offer customers. When you have your HVAC system regularly inspected and tuned-up with maintenance visits, you’ll enjoy the following benefits:

  • Safety: It’s the first thing in our maintenance plan name. We help to ensure your equipment runs safely. This is especially critical for gas-powered heaters, but electrical systems can also pose potential fire hazards.
  • Efficiency: The second part of the club name! Maintenance done annually for the AC and the heater helps them keep their original efficiency ratings for as long as possible. Without routine maintenance, your HVAC system will start to decline and cost more to run with each year.
  • Longevity: The better you take care of your HVAC system, the longer it will be around to take care of you. Without maintenance, a heating or air conditioning system may end up failing after only getting halfway to its estimated lifespan.
  • Repairs: Fewer of them! The majority of repairs your AC or heater may need during their service lives are preventable thanks to maintenance.

The Benefits of the Safety and Efficiency Cool Club

In addition to the benefits of maintenance, we offer Cool Club members special perks:

  • Discounts on repairs
  • Priority customer service so you can jump to the front of the line
  • Inflation protection if membership fees increase
  • Agreement is transferable if you sell your home
  • No overtime charges
  • We call with reminders to schedule your next tune-up

There’s no need to wait: call us today and ask about joining the Cool Club. We’ll set you up with a convenient appointment.

“Your Comfort Is Our Business” at AC Comfort. Call us for HVAC service in Katy, TX and the surrounding areas.

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