Too Much Refrigerant in the AC? Yes, It Can Happen—And It’s Bad!

August 10th, 2020

ac-unit-repair-with-technicianA common and major repair problem air conditioning systems run into is leaking refrigerant. Tiny holes along the copper refrigerant lines allow the refrigerant level in the system to drop, and that puts the entire air conditioner in jeopardy. Air conditioning systems are manufactured to run a specific charge (amount) of refrigerant. If that drops, it will not only lower cooling capacity, it will eventually inflict irreparable damage to the components, concluding with a burnt-out compressor.

There’s an opposite to the problem of the undercharged air conditioner with refrigerant leaks. It’s the overcharged air conditioner. The refrigerant level cannot be more than the unit’s specified charge, because that puts the system in danger as well.

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Thinking About an Evaporative Cooler? Here’s What You Need to Know

July 27th, 2020

waterYou may have heard about evaporative coolers as an alternative to using a conventional central air conditioning system. Evaporative coolers are popular now as small, portable units people purchase to sit on a desk and give a bit of extra cooling. But evaporative cooling is available as a way of air conditioning an entire house through a ductwork system. Using an evaporative cooler (also called a swamp cooler) offers a number of potential benefits to a home.

However, before you decide you’re going to replace your old AC with a swamp cooler, there are some basics you’ll need to know. Evaporative coolers are not ideal for all homes!

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Is a High SEER Rating for a New AC Always Good?

July 13th, 2020

ac-with-toolsIn the world of air conditioners, SEER ratings are just about everything. We’re sure that when you started looking into an air conditioner, you did a little research and quickly stumbled upon SEER ratings. SEER stands for Season Energy Efficiency Ratio. It’s what you use to measure how efficient an air conditioner is. Most of the time, you’d think that the higher the SEER rating the better, right? But what if this isn’t always true?

We’re going to get into everything that you need to understand below. For now though, just know that you can contact us for everything air conditioning in Katy, TX. We’re the professionals that know their stuff. You won’t be disappointed with our work.

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Why Doesn’t the AC Respond to the Thermostat?

June 29th, 2020

setting-thermostatThis is frustrating. The heat is rising outside, and you need your house cooled down. You go to the thermostat, make whatever adjustments are needed to get the air conditioner running—and then nothing happens. Or whatever happens doesn’t result in the comfortable house you expected.

The unresponsive thermostat often requires calling for AC repair in Houston, TX. Even the most basic manual slider thermostats cannot be repaired with DIY techniques or amateur tinkering. It’s not only that thermostats are too complicated to fix; it’s that the problem may not actually be the thermostat but located elsewhere in the HVAC system. A huge part of professional air conditioning repair is diagnosing what’s wrong—and you can’t get that from amateurs or a “do-it-yourself” YouTube video.

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Can My AC Deal With the Summer Humidity?

June 15th, 2020

desk-fanNobody likes it when the humidity rises on a hot summer day, because we know what that feels like—a much hotter day. The truth is that high humidity doesn’t raise the temperature of the air. What it does is make it harder for our bodies to release heat through our skin. More heat is trapped in our bodies, and so we feel even hotter. Think of humidity as like throwing a blanket around your body on a hot day. Not something you would want to do.

“Yeah, humidity is rough in summer,” you say, “but I’ve got my air conditioner to handle it.”

Except that’s not quite how it works…

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No Air From the Vents? AC Air Not Cool? You May Have a Broken AC Fan!

June 1st, 2020

Spinning-fan-closeupAir conditioners are complex pieces of machinery, so when anything in them breaks, it requires detective work to locate the cause. This is one of the reasons we recommend you turn to professionals only when you have an air conditioning system that isn’t working. Unless the problem is basic–like a tripped circuit breaker–it takes skilled technicians to find out what the specific malfunction is so it can be fixed.

Today we’re looking at a common source of a “no cool” air conditioner: a broken fan. There are two fans in an air conditioning system handling different jobs. If either fails, you won’t have indoor cooling.

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Why Is There Water Leaking From My Air Conditioner?

May 18th, 2020

question-mark-badgeYou don’t want anything in your house to leak, especially not parts of the plumbing or the water heater. But have you thought about the air conditioning system leaking? It may not have crossed your mind it could happen, until you see evidence that it’s happening: water dripping out of the HVAC cabinet and starting to puddle on the floor.

“What is going on?”

We can hazard a good guess, since this is a common problem we’ve seen in many air conditioners. And it’s also one we’ve fixed many times. We’ll go into what is probably going on below, but chances are high you’ll need to call us for air conditioning repair in Katy, TX to correct the trouble. You may lose your cooled home without proper repairs.

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AC Troubleshooting Help—And When to Call for Help

May 4th, 2020

ac-with-toolsWe know you’re probably concerned about the performance of your air conditioning system over the next few months when our temperatures start to spike. Nobody wants to be caught with a busted AC on a roasting Texas summer day, and scrambling to get air conditioning repair in Katy, TX during a stressful time isn’t anything you want to go through.

Unfortunately, this concern may tempt you to try doing AC repairs on your own. Please don’t! A toolkit and a few online tutorials will not allow you to effectively and safely fix an air conditioning system. It’ll likely end up making the situation worse. When you’ve got an AC that needs to be fixed, have it done right with a call to our team.

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How High-Efficiency Air Conditioners Lower Energy Use

April 20th, 2020

air-conditionerThis may be the spring when you choose to get a new air conditioning installation in Katy, TX. It’s good to make the choice now, because spring is the best time to have an air conditioner replacement. You won’t have to worry about intense heat during the short time you’ll be without a cooling system, and our technicians can find a convenient place on the schedule to have the job done. Best of all, you can take some extra time to consider your different options for a new system.

You don’t have to get a new air conditioner that’s almost the exact same as your current model. If you’ve had your AC for long enough, it’ll be outdated and any new system will perform better than it did even when it was originally installed. But there are also advanced high-efficiency air conditioners on the market that can significantly reduce your electrical use thanks to SEER ratings in the 20s. Compare that to an old AC with 13 SEER, and you’ll see how much a difference a professionally installed high-efficiency unit can make.

What makes high-efficiency ACs so efficient? There are a few reasons:

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Take Care of Spring AC Maintenance Soon!

April 6th, 2020

filling-in-calendarWe’re a full-service HVAC company, and that means we work with all heating and air conditioning systems. But because this is Texas, we handle more AC services. Air conditioners are used almost around the year here. Summer is still the height of the season, but ACs accumulate extra wear that they don’t in many other parts of the country. This makes it extra important to remember to schedule spring air conditioning maintenance in Katy, TX each year.

And … it’s spring again! It’s time to call our technicians to have your AC tuned-up and inspected to get it ready for the summer heat.

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