AC Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Dehumidifiers’

How to Get Control of High Indoor Humidity

Monday, July 1st, 2024

High humidity levels not only make your home feel hotter but can also lead to other issues such as mold growth and poor air quality. In this blog post, we’ll explore why humidity makes heat feel worse, and how you can effectively manage it by repairing or replacing your AC, and ultimately, installing a whole-house dehumidifier.

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Can My AC Deal With the Summer Humidity?

Monday, June 15th, 2020

desk-fanNobody likes it when the humidity rises on a hot summer day, because we know what that feels like—a much hotter day. The truth is that high humidity doesn’t raise the temperature of the air. What it does is make it harder for our bodies to release heat through our skin. More heat is trapped in our bodies, and so we feel even hotter. Think of humidity as like throwing a blanket around your body on a hot day. Not something you would want to do.

“Yeah, humidity is rough in summer,” you say, “but I’ve got my air conditioner to handle it.”

Except that’s not quite how it works…

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Can an AC Handle Humidity in My Home?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

man-in-front-of-fanThe humidity levels in Katy during the summer can turn oppressive and sometimes downright miserable. We’ve all experienced those horribly muggy days when 90°F—already some pretty serious heat—feels like 100°F plus too much sweat.

You can’t do much to change humidity levels outside the home; you can only try to reduce its affect on you. But inside your house, you get to be the boss of the climate—as long as you have the right tools and the best local contractor to help with them.

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