AC Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Houston’

November Is Heating Maintenance Month in Texas!

Monday, November 1st, 2021

furnace-repair-technicianPeople who don’t live in Texas may imagine that it always stays warm here, even during winter. But although we may not experience as consistently cold winters as more northern states, we’ve occasionally had periods of extreme cold sweep through. It’s important for us to remember to keep our heating systems in good shape, because when we need them, we really need them.

This is why we’re glad to announce that November is Heating Maintenance Month for Texas. No, not an official designation—but we want to make sure our customers know how important this service is, and that November is a great time to have it done.

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Top 4 Things Homeowners Wish They Knew Before They Got a New AC

Monday, October 18th, 2021

air-conditioner-units-near-grassAutumn is a good time of the year to make big changes to the comfort system in your home. The weather cools down enough that you won’t need your AC running as often, and it’s easier to schedule an important job like having a new air conditioner installed. Because we live in an area that can experience warm temperatures all around the year, you never want to be caught with a dying air conditioner at any season—so if you think you’re ready for a new air conditioning installation, now is an excellent time.

But don’t jump into it too fast! Many homeowners have made mistakes with an AC installation because of haste and not consulting with a professional HVAC contractor in Houston, TX. Below we’ve listed the top four things these homeowners wish they had known before they plowed ahead hastily getting a new air conditioner.

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Does My Home Need an Air Filter or an Air Purifier?

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

inside-an-air-ductIf you’re reading this, it’s because you have worries about the quality of your home’s indoor air. Many homeowners over the past year and a half have developed a new interest in how to combat contaminants that can move through the air around them and their family. The good news is that you have many options when it comes to better indoor air quality, and you also have a great team at AC Comfort to help with installing the best solutions to improve air quality. But with many options comes the difficulty of choice. You want to end up with air quality solutions that do the best job. Where do you start?

You may think you need to decide if you want an air filter or air purifier in Houston, TX. But this isn’t the dilemma it may seem. 

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The AC That Does Too Much: When Your AC Won’t Shut Off

Monday, August 9th, 2021

ac-plastic-grillWhen your home’s air conditioning system won’t turn on, you know you have a problem—especially in a scorching Texas summer! But what about the opposite problem, an air conditioner that runs and runs and won’t shut off?

If you don’t think that sounds like too much of a problem—the sort of problem you wouldn’t mind having—here’s a rundown on how a nonstop AC can make trouble:

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Here’s Why You Need to Change the AC’s Filter Regularly

Monday, June 28th, 2021


Have you ever come across a situation where you switch on your AC and it simply doesn’t feel like it is working well enough? You might start to wonder whether this summer is hotter than last year or if there is something wrong with your unit. Fiddling with different modes and temperature settings might not make a difference.

If you are running into this problem with your air conditioning in Houston, TX, there is a chance that it might be a problem with your AC’s air filters. Do you remember when the last time you replaced the air filter was?

In this post, we will talk about why you need to change the air conditioner’s filter regularly to help you understand the importance of taking care of it before you end up having to deal with poor quality cooling and expensive repairs.

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Reasons to Get Rid of Your Window ACs

Monday, May 17th, 2021

air-conditioner-recyclingWe’re not advocating you go without air conditioning in your house. That would be a ridiculous thing to say in Texas. We want you to know that there are better ways to enjoy air conditioning in your house than using window air conditioning units. A window AC may be suitable for a small apartment, but when it comes to a house and a family they have too many disadvantages. 

We’ll go over the main disadvantages of window ACs and then tell you how you can enjoy better cooling in your home, even if you don’t have air ducts for a standard central air conditioning system.

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Do I Need Air Filters When There’s One on My HVAC System?

Monday, April 19th, 2021

furnace-checked-by-technicianIf you’re asking this question, you probably have some sense that you need indoor air quality improvements, but you aren’t sure if air filters are the answer. After all, there already is an air filter in your house—the one that’s on the HVAC cabinet. This is the filter that we recommend you change every one to three months to ensure the heater and AC continue to work at high energy efficiency. Paying attention to this filter is important for indoor comfort. 

However, this filter is not there to improve indoor air quality, so if you’re looking for better indoor air quality, yes, you may need an air filter or an air purifier in Houston, TX.

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Do I Have Heating Reliable Enough for Serious Cold?

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

cold-sweater-manWe’ve been fortunate here in Katy not to have gotten the worst of the cold that struck much of the state last week, although we still had chillier days than we often get. But this deep freeze in February has probably put your mind on your heating system. You may be wondering: “Can my heating system tolerate another major cold snap?”

We’re glad you’re asking this question, because preparation is the key to making it through weather extremes. You’re accustomed to worrying about your AC getting through the intense summers, so let’s now turn this attention toward your heating system.

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Did You Know Your Ceiling Fans Can Help Keep You Warm?

Monday, December 14th, 2020

ceiling-fan-woodenHigh on our list of ways to help lower the cost of staying cool in a Texas summer is ceiling fans. A ceiling fan doesn’t lower a room’s temperature, but it does make it easier for people in the room to stay cool. It’s the power of “wind chill”: when a breeze moves over your body, it takes away the heat envelope around you from heat escaping through your skin. When this envelope is removed, it allows for more heat to leave your body so you feel cooler than the air around you.

How much a difference can a ceiling fan make in hot weather? It can make a space feel up to 10°F cooler. So a 90°F day can already feel like a more bearable 80°F day, and that means having to run the AC less often.

Now here’s the fun news we put in the title: ceiling fans can help in winter, too. For a place with mild winter temperatures, it doesn’t take much help to get you comfortable—and that means heating in Houston, TX that costs less. 

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Why Annual Furnace Service Is Essential!

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Service-technician-testing-furnaceWhen the winter temperatures start to drop into the 40s during the evenings in Texas, you’ll be glad you have a powerful furnace to warm your family. The reassurance of a furnace that you can depend on makes it easy to glide through the winter season, and our team is glad to help you with the finest available furnace service in Houston, TX

One of those services, perhaps the most important one, is annual pre-season maintenance. Before the cold weather arrives, we’ll give your furnace a thorough inspection and tune-up. Once we’re done, the furnace will be set for whatever the season can throw at it.

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